Super Juniors – Ages 8 to 15

Super Juniors CollageDo you have a son or daughter looking to get into a new sport? If the answer is ‘Yes’, how about getting them introduced to one of the fasting growing sports for juniors – beach volleyball!? Questions: email

Description: Super Juniors is a great program for the beginner volleyball player who wants to learn the beach game.  The beach game is a great way to learn volleyball skills – low impact on the body in the sand versus hard court, many more reps being that there are only 2 people on the court, and reps in every aspect of the game. The program will be designed to help youth players learn and play beach volleyball with an emphasis on skill development.  Our purpose is to provide kids the chance to build beach volleyball skills in a fun and supervised environment.

Who? The program is offered to girls and boys ages 8-15  with little (limited training through clinic or rec league play) or no previous volleyball experience. Younger players may be considered for this program on a case-by-case basis .

When? The program is offered periodically over a 4 week period as once-a-week 1.5 hour sessions. Kids are allowed to repeat the program until they are ready to progress to the next level training opportunities we offer, leagues, and/or tournaments.

How much? $90 per 4 sessions (1.5 hrs per session) – usually December is a 3 session shortened month due to holidays with prorated pricing. Price does go up $10 within last few days before a session begins.

Where? Southern Sand Volleyball – 6175 Old Jenks Rd, Apex, NC

Registration is currently open for the following Super Juniors training programs:

Program Requirements:

  • No additional memberships are required to join this program.

Upcoming Registrations

Regular offerings run year round. Email if interested in opportunities to participate. Once in the program monthly reminders will be sent to you toward registering for the upcoming monthly sessions.